Second Variety

Designing a Creature
That Will Hunt Us Down

Animatronics research is making so many strides lately that soon Disney theme parks won’t need actors donning smelly Mickey customs to scare the living hell out of little children. Robots will be able to do just that, and more, in their place. Bad news to actors, of course.
Androids may not be close to pouncing on you on your vacations, out of malfunctioning or pure evil, but the real scare may be other fields tapping into their sophistication. The military, for instance. Something to be expected, for sure, but still no less disturbing.
It didn’t happen overnight, but suddenly pop culture is saturated with the idea that a dawn of the automaton is imminent, even sooner than the one of rotten zombis. And while trying to keep apace with the expectation, science is landing us on some tricky territory.
Call it a land of opportunity, as announced on Blade Runner, or the brave new world of old Aldous Huxley. Say that Philip K. Dick had it all figured it out, or that religion created the original Other, in the form of invisible beings who exist to serve, or curse us to death.
Just don’t say you were not forewarned. For if you give it a thought or two, what with super population, and income inequality, and all that can spoil your dinner, who really needs yet another cast of dependent beings to keep even more people out of things to do?
That assuming that they will remain dependent, and existing to the sole purpose of fulfilling our every whim. Because if they don’t, and turn into our lords, there’ll be no point for ‘I told you sos,’ specially if we’ll all be their slaves, tethered to some infernal contraption.
So yes, by now you may’ve gathered that we are kinda excited about Westworld, the upcoming TV series inspired by the old Michael Crichton movie. And that this is a shameless attempt to flag the insane human desire to play god to manufactured creatures, all the while deflating our own expectations.
For however good the series turn out to be it’ll probably pale in comparison with Second Variety, an 1953 P.K.D. story, or even the considerably downgraded 1995 movie based on it, Screamers. That’s when the concept of self-run machines has been taken to just about the threshold of everyone’s nightmares.
After all, we’ve been trying to build them, either by faith or ingenuity, since time immemorial. The more we see them embodied albeit pixelated, the closer we get to fully realize their feasibility. We’ll embrace them and run for our dear lives, all at the same time, while technology will, once again, overcome our moral ambivalence.
Thus these related posts below, about Artificial Intelligence and robotics, the two fields whose merge will at last produce what already appears inevitable: creation of an artificial but sentient being to run amok exactly the way we’ve been dreading all along. Just like we told you so. Speaking of theme parks, enjoy the ride.

Not Human

Humanoids to Replace
Body Parts, Not Maids

Mankind’s ancient dream of creating automatons that can stand in for us, when our bodies no longer function properly, got a bit closer to reality not long ago. Thanks to research developed at Brown University, two stroke victims, long unable to move or speak, managed to control a robotic arm solely with their minds.
The good news couldn’t come anytime sooner: just a few days earlier, a Tokyo-based robotics developer team had announced the creation of a highly interactive, and disturbingly human-like, pair of buttocks, that responds to touch and stimuli. To be honest, the robotic butt got us thinking where on earth was this kind of research going.
In a way, it all comes full circle, you see. The development of humanoids, capable of simulate emotions and be responsive to sound, sight and touch, has been making great strides, specially by Japanese engineers. Sometimes, their extreme similitude to humans is quite frightening and one is led to think of Blade Runner-type of nightmarish visions of the future.
At the same time, albeit running in a parallel track, research on artificial intelligence and nanotechnology is also well advanced. The combination of these two fields, so far only partial, does suggest that reality is tracking closely the visions that science-fiction authors had conceived long ago.
To be sure, what’s been studied at Brown diverge fundamentally from research on androids, even though they both follow the same principle: to emulate the human ability of combining thought-processing with physical acts.

But whereas at Brown, the practical applications are already evident, the objectives of research into the development of humanoid robots lack clarity, for except in the case of slave labor, is hard to imagine why (more)
Read Also:
* Man Made
* Hallow Talk

would anyone need a robot around the house.
Thousands of stroke victims, on the other hand, specially Locked-In Syndrome sufferers, when the body is unresponsive while the brain is still fully functional, could benefit from implants that would allow them to control objects with their minds.
Then again, scientific exploration should not be conditioned to predetermined goals. Much of the technology we benefit from in our daily routines was not necessarily developed, at least not initially, to accomplish the function it eventually wound up serving.
So, this post should be brief and fun, since we’re talking about machines that some day, if not be doing our housework for us at first we thought they should, may give us an edge towards a future on this or other planets. Right? Yes, except if there’s a Robopocalypse in the works no one told us about. Then, no, the future is not nearly as bright.

All that one of the stroke victims at Brown had to do was to think about reaching for the thermal filled with coffee. Since her own flesh and bone arms can’t move, the 4mm chip implanted in her brain made contact with an artificial limb. That one grabbed the bottle and brought it over to her mouth for her first self-served sip in 15 years.
Quite an accomplishment, really, thanks to neurologist and engineer Leigh Hochberg, who directs the BrainGate2 clinical trial at the university. Once the technology becomes compact and mobile, it has the potential of bringing self-reliance and independence both to the patients themselves and the social circles supporting them.
Another volunteer, who’s been paralyzed from the neck down for years, had a 100-electrode sensor implanted in his motor cortex, the part of the brain that controls physical motion. With that, he was able to move a computer cursor just by thinking, and has now mastered, as many paralyzed people have, the ability of opening and closing a robotic hand.
In an earlier set of experiments, both had made progress by operating the cursor on a computer screen, for example. And the chip was implanted in monkeys first, with similar results. But this was the first time the potential of the computer interface was successfully tested in a 3D environment.

To express ‘various emotions through organic movements of artificial muscles.’ That’s how Japanese artist Nobuhiro Takahashi defines the touch-sensitive, silicone-skinned, human-like buttocks he’s created. He called it Shiri, and it’s able to twitch, protrude, and be tense in reaction to a touch, stroke or slap.
Notice that the approach here is radically different from what’s been tested at Brown, and it’s probably because Nobuhiro is a designer, primarily interested in provoking a certain reaction from the part of those who come in contact with his creation. He succeeds in so many levels, including one that’s downright creepy.
The body part choice is, in itself, part of the proposal, as even before the robotic butt goes into er action, it’s already causing an impression on those around it. It’d be terribly distracting, had the purpose of the enterprise been purely scientific, or at least, with a practical goal to achieve.
Since it’s not, one’s perception towards it becomes part of the experiment. Far out, you may say, even if its implications are not completely explored. As there’s no psychoanalytical study being conducted in parallel about Shiri that we know of, we’re left with the sheer technological precision of the piece and not much else.
Still, it’s an impressive example of how our brains can be easily swayed into reacting to an inanimate object as if it were a living being, even knowing in advance that it’s made of artificial elements. It’s enough that such object conveys a minimal set of lifelike characteristics and we may as well apply the same sense of innate empathy we’d with another human being.

Much has been made and talked about what do we want robots to do for us, and whether do we really need them to do it. We’re not talking about assembly line mindless machines, that multiply our ability to produce consumer goods and eventually will be also involved, perhaps even in some sort of independent capacity, in making their own kind.
We’re talking about those likelike, extreme replicas of human beings, that can perform a set of limited functions with astonishing precision and a certain level of creepiness too. Yes, the Blade Runner kind, the Replicants are already almost walking among us, and we wonder whether we’re indeed heading to a time when they’ll be indistinguishable from us.
We genuinely tend to believe that we’ll always be able to tell robot from human, though, despite all evidence to the contrary. But even if the future will make these androids part of our daily lives, we also wonder how we will react when we will be facing them and realizing that they are looking back at us.
Perhaps the fear is that we’ll be frightened by their power of emulating our own existence, or that they may steal our identity and ‘uniqueness’ as sentient and talking beings, to the point that they may, indeed, develop emotions and the ability to express them even better that us.
That, of course, assuming that the highly developed science-oriented brain is already to their advantage. We’re tempted to invoke examples of humanity that we believe are our own proprietary forms of expression. Such as being touched by the beauty and the scent of a flower, for example. But tell us, when was the last time you’ve stopped to smell the flowers, so to speak?

In fact, in many ways, we may witness Replicants gearing toward more humanlike qualities, even if devoid of our organic integration with the world, while we may head to a more automatized society. A world where personal, sensorial contact would be shunned and replaced by online networks, and where virtual exchanges would precede the physicality and tactile demands of the body.
This is all speculation, of course, and it’s be a mistake to try to imagine the future, ignoring the many factors that can and eventually will disrupt its progression. While developments in artificial intelligence may help us leap as a civilization a few hundred years ahead, a primitive, brutal event such as a meteorite collision can set our clock into another century too, but this time, back.
So while we may be reduced to a brain preserved inside a machine, communicating mentally with each other, robots will be walking around, dating and traveling to places. That is, until the earth gets off its axis and another Ice Age forces us back to caves and to do our own bidding to survive. Assuming that we do.

(*) Originally published on May 18, 2012.

8 thoughts on “Second Variety

  1. tmezpoetry says:

    Yes this is scary stuff. What technology reveals too the public today is already 15 years old in the more secretive, science communities. I just read an article that they can read through about 15 pages of a closed book just through radiation. The microchip (in the name of health, security, protections etc) is coming and it won’t be long now until everyone is demanded to get one. We have gone past all the conspiracy theories to reality by fact and implementation already happening across the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nil says:

    😀 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nil says:

    I have always loved SF… but in real life it IS kind of creepy, really… Like that saying – that if your dreams come true they might turn into nightmares…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Colltales says:

      It was sobering seeing the pics of the city after the 1989 earthquake, a year to the day I’d been there. The old Embarcadeiro YMCA building where I stayed, had a top to bottom crack right on the facade. Could almost see the window from which I’d peaked over the bay. But they say it’s even scarier now, what with all those tech startups and their clinical lack of empathy. Cheers


  4. I’ll start to get really scared when a robot can make me bring it a cup of coffee just by using its mind.

    Liked by 2 people

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