When Beasts Attack

Group of World Famous Animals
Is Killed By Some Stupid Humans

To call it a wave of killings would be an exaggeration. To see it as trending, too perverse to bear. But the spate of killings of iconic animals around the world does have a sinister bend to it, beyond the cruelty that garden-variety sadists usually inflict to them.
A rhino, a flamingo, a hippo, among others, all beloved and popular, have met unexplainable, atrocious fates in the past months. Even if one of them survived the injuries, the brutal attacks some have endured can only be classified as pure bestiality.
That’s why whenever an abuser is sentenced to a rare stiff punishment, there’s discreet celebration. For it goes against the grain: the norm is for them to walk unencumbered, like the dentist who shot Cecil, the Lion, or for people to ignore ethical qualms about slaughtering animals.
News coverage is usually mired in hypocrisy and selective morals. Case in point: the N.Y. Times story on Indonesians’ taste for dog meat, published the other week, which seemed to misplace the outrage on the fact that they like to eat what Westerners consider pets.
The biggest producers of industrialized animal products are not in Asia, but in the U.S., Europe and South America. And despite scandals, poor sanitary conditions, labor violations, and corruption, the environment and healthier alternatives to address world hunger are hardly covered.
The string of unrelated incidents renews calls for a radical change in the approach to crimes against the defenseless. Specially when them are used as a political prop, as was the case in at least one instance. Anyone should be liable for the carcasses their endeavors leave behind.

In Namibia, known for its efforts to protect its wild life, a group trapped a leopard they considered a threat, and helped a pack of dogs maul it to death. Now there’s a global petition demanding that, if not a similar punishment to be exacted onto the culprits, at least, swift justice.
As for what happened to Grizz, it’s unfortunate but not exactly cruel. Two weeks ago, the in-training explosive-detector collie puppy at the Aukland Airport, in New Zealand, got loose on the runaway, freaked out, and failed to respond to couching and return to safety.
After three hours of flight delays, with pilots refusing to take off and risk an accident, a police marksman was called in and put an end to the worst day of his short life. It was an involuntary heartbreaking experience, and even crusty Aussie cops got tear-eyed.

It’s hard to imagine why anyone would want to hurt, let alone, to massacre to death, a pink flamingo. In beautiful Prague, no less. And even worse, that three boys, age 6, 8, and 10, did it. But children can be cruel too, and parents, if around, are liable for what they do.
The killing is a big red flag, since some research confirmed that psychopaths and serial killers use animals as their training grounds. Intervention may help too. As for the 16-year-old bird, (more)
Read Also:
* Farewell to a King
* Worst Than Thou

father of generations, he was a majestic presence at the Jihlava Zoo. R.I.P.
The dubious honor of most bizarre incident of animal abuse had some elements that many saw as redeeming qualities, but not us: a nudist group unfolded and hung a Love banner as a protest act, at the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp gates.
In our book, what they reportedly did next invalidates everything, though: like an obscurantist cult, they’ve slaughtered a sheep to mark the occasion. Why? Because they unfortunately could. And deserve to rot in jail for that, not for protesting. Love has nothing to do with it.

Poachers broke into an enclosure and killed a rare white rhino, named Vince, for his horn. But it happened at the Thoiry Zoo, just 40 miles from Paris, not Africa. Even if the still at large killers had staged their cold-bloodied stunt in Pluto, though, it still would never be Ok.
Almost as out of character, and similarly heartless, was the stabbing and bludgeoning to death of arguably the most popular animal of this bunch, Gustavito, the El Salvadoran hippo. Apparently, a gang mistook him for another small time drug dealer, who are routinely murdered daily in the streets of the Central American nation.
He grew up at the Zoo Nacional and was a national treasure, beloved by school children, in a country that doesn’t have enough of either. We’re usually biased against public displaying wild life, but Gustavito helped raise awareness about protecting animals.
Ironically, he fell victim to exactly the same brutish mentality that renders beautiful beasts as him to toys for cowards, in this case, armed with ice picks. We hope they get caught but we doubt it (see American dentist, Cecil, etc, etc) Still we mourn the passing of this and many other gentle creatures, we don’t need to meet to admire.

8 thoughts on “When Beasts Attack

  1. Semra Polat says:

    The world is waiting for all of you to die. The world is busy with the propaganda to call someone who saved 3 million Syrians by spending 25 billion dollars, dictator. The world is under the control of the satan. Don’t expect much brother, put your hopes in judgement day. There everyone will get what they deserve.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Colltales says:

      It’s truly harrowing what’s happened over there. I feel for people like you, Semra. It’s been so hard to show compassion when we’re ruled by monsters, and nothing is a clear cut choice, except our own convictions. I appreciate your comment. All the best.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. unclerave says:

    Wes. Here’s a different take on one aspect of your post. Not that this excuses the brutal action, but it differs from how the corporate media reported it. — YUR


    Liked by 1 person

    • Colltales says:

      Thanks, David. But did they killed the sheep? The story implies but doesn’t affirm it whether it was just a ‘symbolic’ act. Still not sure what was it all about. The issue of ‘holocaust revisionism’ hasn’t separated itself yet from holocaust denial. As with the Israeli government vs Jewish state, the former gets a free pass while the other remains a hate magnet. Hairy issues. I’m willing to do a rewriting if there was no kill. Cheers


      • unclerave says:


        Unfortunately, I believe they killed the sheep. The “symbolic” aspect was the sheep representing the sheeple, people who blindly believe what their governments and the corporate media tell them. Far too many people just accept what they’re told without question. I think you CAN separate ‘holocaust revisionism’ from ‘holocaust denial’, but Amazon, and others, are refusing to allow the discussion, and that’s what the “nudists” were protesting. The Israeli government, as it stands, is much more hated than the state of Israel. There is always going to be resentment over the creation of the state of Israel, but we can’t act like there’s no room for discussion.

        But, this is but one subset of your great piece. I don’t approve of the wanton killing of innocent animals, for any reason, especially “symboloc” killings or thrill killings.

        — YUR

        Liked by 1 person

      • Colltales says:

        They did, didn’t they? Why couldn’t they perform, well, a symbolic killing? Anyway, Amazon has no business playing referee, and nothing should be off the table. My reference to the State of Israel wasn’t too clear, but my point was that many aim at the Israeli government, which usually gets away with almost anything, and wind up hurting the legitimacy of the state, which is regrettable. I also agree with you that to question historical fact doesn’t mean being a revisionista o denier. On the contrary, the more research the better, since we all agree that even the killing of a single Jewish family because of their race would be equally despicable. Thanks for caring about these things, David, and for contributing your views to Colltales. Cheers


  3. eremophila says:

    Yes completely atrocious.

    Liked by 1 person

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