Skim Vacations

A Few Useful Tips for
Trippers About to Go

Ah, to take time off. The exotic places you can visit, the cultural shocks that’ll enrich your life, the unexpected that may ruin everything. And that’s just the warm half-full bottled of water. Still, if you’re on the planning stages, let us help you with four brief, but oh so valuable, tips we’ve recently came across.
As we know how proud you are of your hygiene habits, we’ve prepared a quick advisory menu to ready you to get there and back in no time, no hidden fees included. Since it’s August, think of them as entertaining stories. But coming Fall, believe us, you’ll be thanking us profusely.
Let’s face it: Americans don’t always make it for the best travelers. So used to the culture of accessibility they take for granted at home, the notion of crossing town to get a regular joe (or as they call it now, americano) can be an added source of distress. Besides, the rest of the world never particularly cared for what we used to call coffee anyway, so don’t complain if you don’t find a decent cup around.
But there’s a mitigating factor that it’s usually grossly overlooked, whenever wary foreigners decide that want you to have done your homework and speak at least a few words on their language: there’s no time. Americans take the shortest time off of all industrialized nations, and as a result, they must do things in a hurry, even when it comes to relaxing. And don’t even let us started with calls and emails from your job.
So take pity on the brave, overworked U.S. citizen, who ventures abroad searchinf for that impossible dream of ignoring crowded airports, long overbooked Continue reading